

Administration of the Society is delegated to the Committee. Committee members are voluntary and are acting in good faith to uphold Covenants, Rules, and Regulations so that Tides Reach remains a high quality, attractive place for all members and their families to enjoy.

An Annual General Meeting is notified and held at the pavilion around May of each year. Nominations for the Committee are called for at this meeting and the officers are appointed at the first committee meeting thereafter. The financials and forecast budget are discussed at the annual meeting and a resolution relating to the setting of the levy for the forward financial year is passed.

Any Member may attend a committee meeting as an observer. Please check with the Chairman or Secretary to confirm the next meeting date and time.


The gates are locked from 6pm - 6am (adjusted to align with daylight saving).

If a visitor to your property comes after 6pm, they need to press your street number on the entry box and that connects to your landline. After answering the phone, you then enter #2 on your Hand set (not the Base set if you have a portable phone); this then opens the gate remotely; your phone will disconnect at this stage.

The manual code to get in the gate will be emailed to you to achieve a higher level of security. This code is changed periodically.

In the event of a malfunction of the gates please contact The Committee Chairman or Treasurer. It may be possible to exit via the pedestrian gate and use your Remote to trigger a Reset. A manual override is possible and all committee members know how to initiate this option in the event of an emergency. If you wish to know how to activate the gates manually please make your request to the Committee and you will be contacted by a member to arrange a suitable time to demonstrate this option.

Any instance of a gate malfunction should be reported to the Committee so that maintenance can be carried out as a high priority.

Walkway & Private road

Please ensure dogs are on a leash when using this walkway.

Motorised vehicles are prohibited on this right-of way with the exception of disability support vehicles.

A short walkway on the north western boundary of property number 37 provides access to the estuary. Please note that access along the estuary is not as-of-right and is constrained by vertical cliffs to the north i.e. this is reserve bordering private property and express permission of each property owner is advisable.

Communal Facilities

The tennis court and community pavilion are generally available for residents to use (the exception being when an event has been booked). To make a booking please make your request via Committee email and you will receive a confirmation by return email to ensure there is no clash of events.

If you become aware of anything not working or any damage to either facility please either report the issue to the chairman Residents and their visitors have access to a grass walkway around the eastern boundary of Tides Reach which connects with the internal roadway/berm. Access to this walkway is via a right-of-way over two resident’s properties so please respect the close proximity to neighbours, wildlife, and pets.

Rural Mail Delivery

A mail box is available for each residence and is located near the gates. Outgoing mail (as signaled by the upright flag) is collected at the same time as delivery is made by the NZ Post Delivery contractor (usually around 11am). The delivery time and/or frequency of services may vary as notified by NZ Post from time-to-time. If preferred any request for “no circulars/junk mail” can be placed inside the mailbox on the flap.

The official address format for residents is:

xx/12 Te Karaka Drive, RD4, TAURANGA, 3174.


xx Te Karaka Dr, RD4, Tauranga, 3174

(where XX is the property number)

Speed Limit

Tides Reach roads are vehicle and pedestrian shared facilities, as such the posted speed limit for vehicles on the private road is 30 kph. In the absence of a footpath residents (including young children) often share the road and a slower speed limit will be appropriate from time-to-time.

Security Cameras

A security camera is located at the gate entrance. In the unlikely event of needing to view the recording please contact the Committee Chairman or email the Committee. A request to view the recording must relate to a legitimate security concern. So Please Smile.

Keys and Gate Controllers

Each community household is entitled to have an access key to the community pavilion and two remotes to access Tides Reach after 6pm. Transfer of keys and remotes will most likely occur during the sale and purchase of a property. However, if this does not occur then please contact a committee member to arrange for replacement keys and remotes. If further copies of keys and remotes are required, please note that the additional cost is paid by the individual making the request.

Resident’s names & Contact details

Annually and as required a list of key resident’s names and contact details is produced by the Committee. This list is for the community residents use and details are not made available for any other purpose. If you wish to have more than one cellphone and/or email address on the list, please advise the secretary.

Current Committee members are identified on the resident’s list.

Please see the Contacts page for correspondence with the Committee. Please note that the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer of the Committee have access to this information.